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Making and Design

In order to fulfill our mission to “prepare each individual for college and a useful life,” we must include a thoughtful vision of the role of technology. It is clear that technology is becoming ever more central to our lives, and as such, it is vital that we seek to understand it.

As we strive to create Wooster students who value curiosity, kindness, and the search for truth, we should be preparing them to do this as technologically capable and educated people who are prepared to ask questions about the use of and access to technology in all communities. Technology, Making, and Design curriculum builds a continuum of increased exposure and complexity in the four key areas of programming, digital media, design, and fabrication.  

Dakin Roy

Making and Design Teacher

Joined Wooster in 2021-2022

The Middle School Making and Design experience follows a student-centered approach, which combines coding, designing, digital media, animation, and fabrication.

Students gain confidence in their decision making and building skills while engaging in real-world, project-based experiences that promote discussion, empathy, reflection, and creativity.

Early Middle School Units Include::

  • Makerspace

Upper Middle School Courses Include:

  • Digital Media
  • Programming and Design

Middle School Course of Study

Learn more about our course descriptions and requirements.