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Bridge Program

The highly personalized and comprehensive support aspects of our Middle School Bridge Program allows students to develop the foundational skills necessary to understanding themselves as learners and what skills, knowledge, and dispositions are beneficial to their best learning outcomes.

Our strength-based approach leverages the whole team in providing multiple pathways for students to “get their smarts out”. Students develop confidence in their abilities in an intimate learning environment.  


Joulé Bazemore

Director of The Bridge Program

Joined Wooster in 2014-2015

Wooster's Bridge Program is a highly successful, grades 5-12, mainstream program for students with language-based, executive function, or attention-related learning differences. The program is built around Wooster School's commitment to inclusivity, and gives students the confidence and skills for a lifetime of learning.

Middle School Bridge Program

Knowing that our young learners are still developing in their foundational academic and social skills, our Middle School Bridge program seeks to “back-fill” skills in a highly structured and supportive manner.

Middle School Bridge Program

We refine key exectutive functions such as self-monitoring, flexible thinking, and metacognition, as well as self-awareness, self-advocacy, and student agency. The work that students engage in during their Middle School Bridge experience prepares them to enter the next stages of their Wooster journey.