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WiNK Weekly Wrap Up: First Week Back!

WiNK Weekly Wrap Up: First Week Back!
Marley Matorin '26

This week at Wooster has been pretty relaxed without many events happening. It was the first week back from winter break and everyone is happy to see their friends and get back into a routine. Everyone has been sharing what they did during break whether it was a vacation, family time, or other stuff. People are also sharing what they got for Christmas or Hanukkah which is exciting to hear.

Classes this week aren’t too bad because students and teachers both are starting up again with work and not many people are ready to start with loads of work right away. Going along with the winter feeling, there has been some snow which is exciting. It has been very cold out, not even reaching 30°F most days. To some people this is exciting, but to others they are already ready for spring and summer with the warm and sunny weather. Many people were hoping for this snow storm going through the northeast to hit Wooster, but unfortunately it won’t be, so there probably won’t be any snow days this week. Many people are hoping that in the next few weeks there will be another snow storm that comes so that we can have a break while we get back into the school routine.

Most students and faculty have had trouble waking up for school because of the dark mornings, cold weather, and the want to sleep in like we all have been during winter break. People have been excited that it is the new year, 2025, and everyone is getting used to writing that for the date on worksheets rather than 2024. Overall, this week at Wooster has been pretty laid back and relaxed after break and everyone is excited to keep the learning going for the rest of the year.

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