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Sports Equipment

If you were to walk to the dining room mid-morning on any given day, you would be required to wade through a collection of sports bags full of bats, tennis rackets, uniforms, and cleats. This conglomeration of bags is not only unattractive, but a safety hazard as well. To be clear, the expectation is that students are to store these items in the gymnasium locations, as per the following guidelines.

The gym building will be opened starting at 8:30 am each morning. Students are to drop their equipment in one of the following locations:

  • Boys locker room
  • Girls locker room
  • Alumni gym stage
  • Storage shelves outside the boys locker room

Students are encouraged to use lockers for valuable items and they may place their own locks on an individual locker. If you choose to do this please provide Mr. Carone with the locker number.

Once a student has dropped their gear off in one of the above locations, they are expected to leave the gyms and report to upper campus to begin their day. Students are not to remain in the gyms.  

It is not an option for students to carry their sports or after school bags with them during the school day, nor to store them in any other locations.

Coaches have been instructed to remind students of this expectation, and continuous monitoring will take place as students build this habit.  When planning a morning routine, such as wake up time, students should consider and plan for this step.